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Showing posts from July 27, 2022

Ask, Seek and Knock

  ā€œ Ask  and it will be given to you;  seek  and you will find;  knock  and the door will be opened to you.   Matthew 7:7           This is a familiar verse, one that I've heard many times.   It seems pretty straightforward.  We are given three commands.  The first command is to ask. It does not say "tell", or "demand" but ask.  I (personal opinion here) doubt we can or should use a demanding tone with the God of the universe. We should never presume to tell God what to do.  We can, however, ask.  I believe (again personal opinion) that God likes us to ask even though he knows what we want.  As a parent, I loved having my children ask for things they wanted.  It made me happy to know that they felt secure enough to be vulnerable and ask for what they wanted.   The opposite is also true.  There were times when my children were younger that they did not ask for...