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Showing posts from March 6, 2016

Overwhelmed in a World Spinning Out Of Control

I confess, sometimes I feel overwhelmed and helpless.  When I was in school and I could not understand the new concept that everyone else seemed to know, or when I was a new mother trying to do everything right for this new life that had been entrusted to me.  Later when my children would ask questions for which I had no answers.  Why did grandpa die?  Or Why am I here? And lately, when I look at the state of the nation and world.  I see perspective presidents and cringe and or get violently ill (not an exaggeration), and I feel helpless. One candidate is nothing more than a public spectacle another is s liar who will do whatever it takes to get the power they want. Yes, there are other prospective candidates out there, but the front runners scare me. As I was dwelling on this, feelings of desperation and despair started sweeping over me.  I could not help feeling a little like Elijah hiding in a cave feeling like I am the only one left who is following God,  or Jerem