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Showing posts from July 3, 2015

God Bless America

                                                                       Itā€™s July 3rd  I have been thinking about how everyone will be celebrating.   People will have barbeques, some will be drinking.  There will, of course, be fireworks and some will be singing songs like ā€œGod Bless Americaā€ or perhaps ā€œGod Bless the USAā€.  As I considered this,  I have to confess I was nauseated, sick to my stomach.   How dare we ask the Almighty God to bless a country that has made themselves a stench in his nostrils?   How dare we ask the sovereign God to bless America when we have ā€œredefined marriageā€ to allow sexual perversion? How dare we ask the God of the universe to Bless America when we ā€œlegalizeā€ the killing of unborn children, but we may not kill a wolf destroying our food...