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Showing posts from August 9, 2014


A few days ago, I went to the beach. As I was walking, I was amazed by the beauty of the shadows that the sun was creating as it peeked through the trees.  The clouds would hide the sun for a bit then they would move and we could see clearly the outline of the trees on the ground.  They were beautiful silhouettes.  As beautiful as they were, they were not real, they were only copies of something else, a tree, the leaves, me, a bird or whatever else the sun was shining on at the moment.  The shadows were not real; they really only pointed the something better, something real.  Imagine, for a second, if I had thought that the shadows were real, and not just reflections of something better.  That idea would be crazy and ill-conceived.  Imagine the let down when, at some point, I realize that the shadows were not real.  Sadly, in this life, many people go through life chasing shadows.  They chase and pursue many things like money, fame, power.  If you are following those