Thinking back upon this year, it has been a year of ups and downs. Most years are that way. There were tears shed, and many laughs. While I couldnāt have predicted some of the things that happened this year, none of us can. One thing I do know is that God was good and faithful, he always is. As we look forward to the beginning of a new year, we can face it with confidence, joy, and peace because we know that whatever happens this year God is already there, and nothing that will happen this year can surprise him. We can be sure that the year will bring both blessings and trials. In fact, we can be sure that the year will bring both. So, as we waltz into the new year, lets let God lead. He knows the year ahead and the curves it will take, and he loves us more than anyone else. We can trust him with each new year and each new day.