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Showing posts from November 6, 2019

For Everything, Thank You

always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.   Ephesians 5:20 I love this verse!  It is an excellent reminder to give thanks for everything.    One thing I am thankful for is my automobile. Somedays, when I get in my car, I whisper a thank you to God.  My car is not new, but it is a great car. I remember some of the clunkers I had to drive.  So, I thank God for a reliable vehicle.  When I think about transportation in the past, walking,  or riding in a wagon or sleigh,  I am even more thankful for the car that God provided.  But not just my car.  The house I have,  the food I eat.  God owns everything,  and anything we have ultimately comes from Godā€™s hand.  I remember days when we had very little  and having enough food and a warm house was a struggle.  So, I am dee...