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Showing posts from February 22, 2015

Hated and Rejected

Iā€™ve been reading about Joseph.  You know, Jacobā€™s son.  As I was reading and thinking,  God showed me that it was more than just a story of a family from Bible times.  As I was reading, I was reminded that Joseph knew what it was like to be hated and rejected by his brothers.  Joseph faced the same problem that many of us face today.   While most of us have not confronted the hatred of others to the point that people want to kill us, we have all at one time or another dealt with people who just donā€™t like us.   They may not kill us, but they make sure we are aware that they do not like us.   When we see people who just hate us we can take heart we are not the first one to ever be rejected.  We are not facing a new thing.  We are not facing something that others do not or have not faced.   What an awesome reminder when Iā€™m staring down the enemy!    When we face these trials, there is ...