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Showing posts from October 28, 2018

Thank you God for my Church Family

I am thankful that  no matter where we go, anywhere in the world, We can always find a connection  that draws our hearts to one another. That connection is our hope in Jesus. It makes us part of God's family. Time and distance  and sadly, sometimes, differences of opinion and even death may separate us from our mother, father, sister or brother.  in those times, I am thankful that we still have our church family. It is amazing  that no matter where we are whether at work, school, in a new town when we find a Christian,  there is an unseen connection. Suddenly,  the world can seem less hostile and cold. This person that you just met  is your brother or sister in Christ. I am grateful for the gaps that they fill in our lives.   We can share hugs and hurts. We strengthen each other when we feel weak. Thank you, God, for a forever family.  and that nothing can separate us from our forever family. My life would be incomplete withou