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Showing posts from April 1, 2015

The Right Tools

equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him Iā€™ve been building a closet in our bedroom.  I started about two or maybe three years ago; I lost track of time.  This project started well, but then I lost steam and ground to a halt. Last year, we had so many other expenses that it took a backseat.  Last week, I finally decided to revisit that project.  I hate leaving a project half-done.  I purchased a jigsaw to finish the project.  I could have used my hacksaw, but It would have made the job harder AND I can not cut a very straight line with a hacksaw.  One thing Iā€™ve come to realize is that how well a job turns out, often depends on having the right tools for the job.  I can use a bread knife in place of a screwdriver, but a cordless screwdriver is much more enjoyable.  In our spiritual life, we need to have the right tools also.  God says that he provides us with the tools we need t...