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Showing posts from July 15, 2013

Welcome Home!

Surely you have granted him unending blessings and made him glad with the joy of your presence. Psalm 21:6 Did I mention that I absolutely love chatting with my daughter while sheā€™s away at college?  It is always a pick me up. In a small way, it makes me feel connected to her.  This weekend she came home for a very short visit.  It was wonderful to have her home. Chatting with her on the phone or computer is nice, but it can never compare to having her right here with me; that is ā€œthe bees kneesā€.  I sent her back this morning; as I did I was reminded of how God must feel about us, his children.  I imagine that God must long for the time when we go to his house and see him in person.  We chat with him; read his letter, the Bible; even fellowship with other believers, but that will not compare to the satisfaction we will know when we finally see Jesus in the flesh. For Him, that will be the fulfillment of his joy.