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Showing posts from November 14, 2019

First World Problems

First world problems.    I ordered a phone case.     I got a letter saying it was undeliverable and they refunded my money.    Then I received the case.    Now I have to try and pay for the case or return it.   Ugh.    On top of that, I had to call our mortgage lender because  they forgot to take out the money for the housing payment.    If you're like me, things like this can drive me crazy!    As I was thinking about my predicament,  it occurred to me that  these things that are getting under my skin  are really first world problems.    People in other countries live without cellphones. Others donā€™t have a housing payment because have no house.   So when I look around at the house that I can't keep clean,  or pace back and forth in a store because  I can't decide if I want an...