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Showing posts from August 20, 2019

He Speaks

In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways. Hebrews 1:1   I gave a silent scream. ā€œGod, are you Listening?ā€ I think that we have all felt that way a one time or another. We feel as though our prayers are falling on deaf ears. We believe, at that moment, God is not listening, and if you havenā€™t, hang in there, your time is coming.  Yet, deep in my soul, I know for sure he hears. For, God is not deaf to the cries of his children, and he quiets our soul with his presence,  and the Almighty speaks in the laughter of a child  or in the pastor at church on Sunday,  in the words of a friend, or the train wreck at work, and in the beauty of nature  or even the doctor you dread to visit. God is not limited in how or when he speaks as though he were human, but he does speak. Heā€™s the nudge to do the right thing, or the voice prompting you to visit a neighbor or friend. His ...