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Showing posts from August 31, 2015

Celebrate Jesus

ā€œAbby, what do you think it means to ā€˜remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.ā€™?ā€  I asked as we were walking and talking.   I saw that someone had written The Ten Commandments in sidewalk chalk.   When I asked the question, I was not prepared for the simple answer that she gave.   Without a moment of hesitation, she said, ā€œTo celebrate Jesus and make his day special.ā€   Whoa!!  Her answer was so simple, yet so profound that it made my heart leap.  In those words, she beautifully captured Godā€™s desire.  God wants us to celebrate the day of rest, Sunday.   Often, Sunday becomes like any other day.   I fear that, for most of us, there is nothing that distinguishes Sunday from any other day of the week.  We do nothing different than we do Monday through Saturday.  Do we celebrate Sunday?  Or is it just a day to catch up on chores, and other things.  Do we make it a day for celebrating God...