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Showing posts from June 1, 2014


I dropped Ryan and Abigail off at a camp for a week.  When we got out of the car at the camp, we had only walked a few feet when Abby stopped mid-stride.  I looked and there was a bird standing on the ground less than three feet away and it was scolding and yelling at her.  We did the normal thing in that situation; we grabbed our camera and started taking pictures.  Isnā€™t that what you do? Ok maybe not, but we knew this was a once in a lifetime shot.  My daughter kept watching it and finally said, ā€œI think it has a broken wing." Later, I was talking with some workers and they said this bird is called a killdeer.  It acts this way to protect its eggs.  It will attack or draw you away from its nest by pretending to be hurt.  As I watched it, I thought WOW!  I wonder if this is how God guards us!  As much as that killdeer loved and protected those eggs, God loves and protects us more.  He loves us and puts himself between us an...