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Showing posts from February 25, 2015


What is worse than being hated, rejected, and falsely accused?  How about being forgotten, the victim of broken promises.  When Joseph was home, his brotherā€™s hated him.  Joseph was probably smart enough to realize that fact.  When Potiphar's wife accused Joseph, he was probably under no delusion that she truly cared about him.  However, when Joseph was stuck in that terrible, horrendous prison, there were two men  who were under Josephā€™s care.   The men were probably friends.  Friends can forget about us, strangers can not.  He might have been happy if his brotherā€™s had forgotten him.  He would have been content if Mrs. Potiphar had forgotten about him.  Butā€¦.  very little hurts more that being forgotten by a friend. They were sad  and when Joseph asks, ā€œWhy are you so down?ā€  They told him about their dreams.  He told them what their dreams meant.  In three days, one prisoner would be kille...