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Showing posts from August 3, 2022

Ask, Seek, and Knock. part 2

ā€œ Ask  and it will be given to you;  seek  and you will find;  knock  and the door will be opened to you.   Matthew 7:7      The second command after asking is to seek, what we hope to find.  It sounds funny, but we usually only search for what we hope to locate.   In my life, I have looked for many things.  I have looked for combs, socks, or shoes.  For most of these kinds of things, I half-heartedly look for them.  I look but not well because, honestly, they aren't that important.  Other things keys, a phone, or a debit card, I will diligently hunt for it until I am sure they either cannot be found or I have them in my possession again.   If I lose a sock I may look for a short time, but I will not spend hours trying to find it.   It's just not that important.  If, on the other hand, I can't locate my wallet, I assure you, I will leave no stone unturned in my search.  I w...