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Showing posts from March 2, 2014

Praise God

It is good to give praise to God!  Often we forget to share the wonderful things that God is doing.  Today, I want to share with you what God has been doing.  This year started out with a broken laptop Lappie, as I call him.  I ended up needing to replace him.  I am sorry Lappie. Praise God for giving me Zippy in his place and for the ability to set it up myself.  I have had to do this a lot now that my nerdy children are out of the house.  On the heels of my laptop breaking, I broke out with hives. This was an allergic reaction to shampoo, near as I can figure.  My eyes swelled shut and itched like crazy.  I looked like a chipmunk. Only by a trip to the doctor and a very strong allergy medicine corrected the problem.  Anyone who knows me knows that I only go to the doctor when I absolutely have to go; which is a rare occasion.  I go to God first, then to a doctor. I am praising God that he gives doctors wisdom of the human body so they can help us. Just as I was getting better f