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Showing posts from July 5, 2013


Join together in following my example, brothers and sisters, and just as you have us as a model, keep your eyes on those who live as we do. Philippians 3:17 Today I said, ā€œgoodbyeā€ to an amazing man of God today.  He has now joined the ā€œgreat cloud of witnessesā€ that have gone on ahead.  So, what made him amazing? Was it his job?  No, it wasn't his job; he worked in a machine shop.  Then perhaps, it was that he had money.  No, He may have had some money, but he certainly was not rich by anyoneā€™s standards.  He had no power or influence according to how the world measures significance.  So what was it about him that made him stand out?  Well, in the time I knew him, I never heard him say an unkind word to anyone.  I never heard him talk about others behind their back.  When things went wrong, I never saw him lash out in anger at those around him.  He was always ready to do whatever needed to be done in the church....

Breaking Free

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.  John 8:36 Itā€™s July 4th, Independence Day, so naturally my thoughts turn to freedom.  Our country was founded by people who craved religious freedom.  The Revolutionary War was fought because we sought freedom from England.  From the dawn of time, people have desired, struggled, and fought for freedom.  I believe itā€™s because God put it in our nature to hunger, thirst, for and crave freedom.  In reality, the freedom we yearn for and need most isn't political freedom, or even religious freedom. Those freedoms are good, and I Praise God we live in a country where we have them. Yet, even here in the United States of America where we have much freedom people are still in chains.  The freedom we desire can only be attained through belief in and following Jesus of Nazareth.  Only when we take up our cross and follow Jesus, the son of God, can we find real freedom and life.  .   Friend...