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Showing posts from May 23, 2014

The Salt on the Chip

I like love salt!  I have from the time I was little. Salty snacks are especially tantalizing.  In my opinion, there is nothing better than a salty chip, pretzel, popcorn, peanuts and a movie. I know health wise they are better choices for a snack, but occasionally I just need that snack.  Donā€™t give me unsalted potato chips or pretzels, they are not of God. I know I could have an unsalted snack and they would be healthier. Food without salt is bland and found lacking.  God says that we are the salt of the earth.  We are the seasoning.  We are the salt on the potato chip.  The salt on the potato chip makes us want water.  If you eat a salty snack like a chip or a peanut and in a short time, you need something to drink.  The salt makes us thirsty. In the same way, we should make people want the living water, Jesus.  People should see something in us that makes them want what we have. I want to be enough different from the worl...