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Showing posts from August 19, 2017

Character or color

Ok, here’s the scoop.  I am a 50 something (a lady never tells her age); and yes, I am white.   I am not racist, and I hate no one.    I want to live a peaceful life, surrounded by friends.   I do not have swastikas painted on anything, but I believe in God.  I say all this because I know I am not alone.   There are many people out there that are right where I am.  We all know people of other races, and it goes without saying that there are good and bad in every race.  We listen to the news and hear of another atrocity committed in the name of racism, and we cringe.  To my friends of other races, I want you to know that those committing these horrible acts are a minority and do not reflect the feelings of the rest of us; and our hearts break for you.  To those wanting to tear down a statue, because they do not like what it stands for, I would like to ask one question.  Will it erase that part of history?  Will it make anything better?  Will it change hearts?  Of course not.  Then why s