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Showing posts from June 28, 2015

As Sure As A Morning Sunrise

I hope Iā€™ll go to heaven. This statement was not uttered by a non-Christian but by a dear Christian friend of mine.   The problem is that itā€™s not the first time Iā€™ve heard those words uttered.  Today, I want to encourage you, my Christian friends.  I want you to know that you can trust God.  If you have put your trust in God, there is nothing more you need to do. There is nothing more you can do.   God has already done the hard part; He paid the debt that you could not pay.   When you trust him and give HIM control of your life,  He reserves a place for you in heaven. BOOM!  Thatā€™s it. Some will say that we have to do things like keep the commandments to get to heaven.  The fact is; we canā€™t keep the commands of God without the help of Christ.  The only thing the commands can do is point out your and my failure.  Am I saying then that we should not keep Godā€™s laws? Absolutely not! I Keep G...