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Showing posts from May 16, 2014

Mom's Night Out

A few days ago, I had the privilege of viewing Momā€™s Night Out .   Momā€™s Night Out is a delightfully hilarious film produced by Pure Flixā€™s films. Pure Flix is a Christian film production company, headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona.  If youā€™re expecting it to be like the old Hollywood TV shows where the mother is practically perfect you will be disappointed.  It paints a very realistic view of motherhood. Therefore, if, like me, you struggle with feeling inadequate as a mother, you will love this movie.  While I do not think it was not the intent of the movie, it also shows the danger of forming opinions of people too quickly.  I have heard that some critics think that it downplays the working mom.  I personally do not think the movie does this at all.  Instead, it encouraged me and said that, as moms, itā€™s ok not to have it all together every day.  I wish I could have seen this when my children were little.  It was an unmistakably fami...