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Showing posts from May 20, 2014

I'm Just A...

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, I was watching a TV show called “Undercover Boss” the other day.  The episode I watched was about sanitation workers.  As I was watching, one person stood out.  His job was to clean port-a-potties.  As they were working, he kept saying I’m not just a sanitation worker, I am the best sanitation worker.  I couldn’t help but smile as I watched him.  His attitude was contagious.  I thought, "man! that guy is having too much fun cleaning poop".  At the place I work, we had a door greeter who had this same perspective. He always had carts ready for people; if it was raining or snowing, he had the carts dry; He always had a cheery hello kiddo for everyone he met.  What set both of these people apart from most other people is that though their jobs were not enviable, and they could have looked at their jobs as unimportant and even undesirable.  Yet they both did their work wit