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Showing posts from May 17, 2014

Don't Judge Me!

I have heard this phrase used frequently. Recently, while waiting on a customer, I asked a woman if the baby she was holding was hers.  I meant no harm when I asked and I certainly was insinuating nothing.  I was only curious and I absolutely love children.  Another woman, the babyā€™s mother, looked me square in the face and told me ā€œin no uncertain termsā€ that I had no right to judge her daughter.  Wow!!!  I hear it used by others at work and I confess that I have jokingly used it myself. What concerns me is that, in our culture, it seems if I disagree with someone elseā€™s opinion or something they are doing suddenly, I have judged them.  Perhaps we need to redefine or rather get back to what it really means to ā€œjudgeā€ someone.  The word judge is a judicial term meaning to pronounce sentence on a guilty party. When we judge, we are pronouncing sentence on a person.  According to the words of Jesus, we are not to judge, sentence anyone. Even with ...