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Showing posts from September 26, 2013

The Guilt Trip

Therefore, there is  no w  no   condemn ation  for those who are in Christ Jesus,  Romans 8:1 Ok, I admit it!  I am a sensitive person.  I absolutely hate knowing that I have hurt someone either knowingly or unknowingly.  I do not think this is a bad thing.  It is how God made me, which is the best me there is.  There are times, however, when it creates problems; that others who are not so sensitively wired do not have.  If someone criticizes something that I said or did, I immediately feel pain or guilty; I think that I must have caused their hurt and or anger.  I internalize the remarks and feel badly that I hurt the other person.  Recently, I had such an episode, and as I was thinking about the altercation; I heard God say ā€œMy child, I did not condemn youā€. Then he said, ā€œYou did nothing wrong; no sin was committed.  You donā€™t have to ā€œownā€ this guilt.  ā€.  So I decided that I would send that guilt ri...