But his mother treasured all these things in her heart. Luke 2:19
As I grow older, my memories have grown sweeter each year.
Thank you for my precious memories.
Memories of long walks in the woods.

and a winter when there was snow overtops of the trees.
yes, it did happen. I wish I had taken pictures.

I'm thankful for the many memories we
created in this house

I'm thankful for the many memories we
created in this house
I'm thankful for the memories of playing softball.
with the pastor of our church.
As he stepped to the plate, he said,
"You need to move back further" to the outfield.
They laughed until he hit the ball a mile over their heads and into the woods.
He did not run the bases; he walked each one of them. Game over.
I don't think they ever did find the ball.

having dinner on The Victorian Princess.
Once we got stuck between two hills and couldn't get up either side.
We might be there still if it hadn't been for a truck that pulled us up the hill.
That car was not reliable.

I'm grateful for the memories that my sweetheart.
and I have created over the years;
and I have created over the years;
having dinner on The Victorian Princess.
Memories of thinking I could outrun him.
I found out too late;
he could bust a fast sprint when necessary.
And there are memories of some hilarious car rides.
Once we got stuck between two hills and couldn't get up either side.
We might be there still if it hadn't been for a truck that pulled us up the hill.
That car was not reliable.

I'm thankful for memories of dropping my daughter off at college,
and thinking, how did 18 years pass so quickly?
When did she go from this adorable little child that everyone wanted to hold,
to this beautiful young lady heading off to college?
I am grateful that I don't remember everything.
Somethings aren't worth remembering.
Since today's journey is tomorrow's memories.
Thank you, God, that I have journeyed far
and I have the memories to prove it.
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