My day can get crazy!
Appointments, work,
family obligations,
church, it all takes a toll on me.
I end up tired,
And easily irritated.
I am around people every day, tons of them.
All of them have needs and burdens,
Just like me.
Desiring to help, I often come away feeling overwhelmed,
Emotionally exhausted.
In our pleasure-driven society,
where going places and doing things
seems to be the hallmark of success,
I am thankful for Our Lord's example of going away to be himself.
He hid away from the āworld,ā so he could get recharged.
āAfter he had dismissed them,
he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray.
Later that night, he was there alone,ā
If the Son of God needed alone time, brothers and sisters,
So, do we.
I thank God for the times when I can be alone with him,
Even if it means getting up early
Or staying up late just to have that time.
I find myself better able to help others,
When I have found a place and time to be alone with God.
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