When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. Isaiah 43:2
The past few months have been as tumultuous as a sea in a hurricane.
I feel like I have been tossed into an ocean, and the water is rising.
I am facing struggles that I never thought I would face.
The betrayal of a friend,
financial struggles,
and sickness,
and now global.
Now to top it off, there is a quarantine.
No going anywhere except to work.
It's enough to make me want to throw my hands in the air in defeat.
I think we all feel that way right now.
We have all face these struggles,
and when they assault us all at once
It is easy to feel overwhelmed,
and stressed,
like just one more thing will drag us under.
At times like these,
it brings peace to my soul to know that when we face
struggles that seem unbeatable,
God is with us.
He is right there, in the deep waters,
in the fire with us.
He doesn't bring us to the deep waters or the fire,
and then leave us to figure things out on our own.
No matter where we are in life,
we have an anchor for our soul,
the unchangeable, unmoveable, unshakeable God.
He is the only secure anchor in these times.
We can trust no other person.
He will preserve us,
and care for us.
The water will not pull you under,
and the fire will not burn you.
We can rejoice,
find comfort,
and peace in these words.
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