It has been said, "those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
Scarily accurate!
I work in an area where certain things have to happen at certain times.
If it doesn't happen,
the best thing I can do is remember that I missed it
and find a way to remember it from that time on.
As I look at the history of the Children of Israel,
I see,
and remember,
that God judged them for their sins as a nation.
If God judged his chosen people for their sins,
will he not also judge our nation for its crimes?
The sin of slavery.
Treating black people as less than human.
that was a sin
and we must remember that awful transgression.
God says in his word that he does not show partiality,
and neither should we as his people.
The evil of abortion.
Will he not hold those accountable
who participate in this injustice to the innocent who
also, have a right to life?
He will.
He must, or he would cease to be lawful and impartial.
The sin of calling good what God has already called immoral.
When God spoke the ten commandments,
He did not stutter, and he has not changed his mind.
Sin is still wrong, no matter who makes it "legal."
We must remember that a war was fought,
because some people believed that slavery was a sin.
We must remember that abortion is an abomination to the living God.
We must remember that Hitler used his power to try and annihilate
a whole race of people.
We must remember the people who fought and died in wars so that we can have and keep our God-given freedoms.
We must remember and boldly stand with those who are treated
with injustice as though we were treated wrongly as well.
We must never fail to come to the aid of those who cannot stand up for themselves,
and speak for those who cannot speak
for someday,
it may be us, and we will need someone to defend us.
If we fail to remember things like the attack on Pearl Harbor,
the Attack on the World Trade centers or the Civil war, we may be
forgetting the one thing that can make us better and stronger as a
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