Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and
humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and
my burden is light.ā Matthew 11:28
A yoke, in its purest form,
was used to connect
two animals so that they could work together as one.
Jesus said to take
āmyā yoke. We are to attach our self to Christ.
Often, I fear,
we are not fastened to Jesus.
We join our self to many other things.
We are devoted to our job, our money, our friends, power, or our
kids (ouch).
Donāt misunderstand me;
none of these things are bad, but
they can be harmful if we join our self to them.
If our work is our
primary focus, we will soon wear out.
If our family or any other person
becomes the emphasis of our life, they will quickly drain us.
If money or
material possessions is what matters to us,
we will always be living in
Occasionally, when I am feeling drained, tired, and wiped out,
I must do some soul searching to be sure
that I have not given something else
first place in my life.
Do you need to rest? Are you tired?
Do you
feel like you canāt go on?
Maybe like me, you need to check and be sure that it is Jesus is who has our devotion.
If we put on the yoke of the Lord, he is
bigger and stronger.
Heāll do the hard part; we can rest in him.
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