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A Risk Free Guarantee

Trust is fragile. 

Just a single word or action can break a trust that took years to build.

We feel betrayed, crushed and deceived when that person or thing that we trusted in lets us down.

Every one of us spends our life looking for things that are guaranteed;

things that we can put our trust in.

Unfortunately, this world does not come with guarantees.

If we trust in a relationship, it may fail.

If we trust in money,  stock markets fail, and economies can change in a moment.

The money we have today may be gone tomorrow.

If we trust in a job, it may be gone in a day.

These things and any other thing we can put our trust in may come crashing down;

they aren't sure things.

There is only one thing that is risk-free. God.

He is a sure thing; something you can trust and put your confidence (your faith) in.

He will never let you down or disappoint you.

Faith in anything else is misplaced, and a dangerous risk. 

It can and will eventually let you down.

There is one more guarantee about this life, no one gets out alive.

Eventually, everyone fights the final battle. 

Make sure you know the one who holds eternity, while you can.


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