It had been a looooong day at work and I was tired. So while the rest of the family got ready and
went to a meeting at church, I decided to stay behind and take a breather, to
have a little āmeā time. Shortly after
they left, my daughter called. Since I
had been debating the idea of going for a walk, I decided I should go for a
walk while I talked. I have managed the
art of chewing gum and walking and talking.
I know impressive to say the least.
It was warm when I left so I only had my T shirt on. In my finite wisdom, I forgot about how
quickly it gets cold once the sun sets.
As I walked and talked enjoying a visit with my daughter, I suddenly
realized I was starting to get cold and wished that I had thought to bring a
jacket or hoodie with me. Since being
cold wasnāt on the radar when I left, I was stuck out in the cold with no
outerwear. It was about this time that a
car came driving down the berm of the road right in front of me forcing me to
stop and sending my heart into overdrive.
My first thought was this is the end.
They are going to force me into their car. I know, I watched forensic files, it always
happens that way. Then I thought, no
wait, not today! I have a cell phone and
my daughter is on the other end. That
meant that no matter what they would be caught.
Cell phone records always trip people up. I found that out from forensic files
too. As the Car loomed closer, suddenly
a hand holding a hoodie appeared from the window. Cautiously I peered in the
window to discover that the driver was a lady from our church. Slowly, my heart rate returned to normal as
I realized I was not going to die and she was giving me her hoodie so I would
not be cold. I gladly accepted her
offering and as I walked on I thought about how Jesus tells us that in as much
as we have fed the hungry, clothed the naked, visited those in prison, visited
the sick we have done it to him. I
walked on feeling blessed in knowing a fellow Christian cared enough to give me
something that she may very well have needed.
I have hoodies and jackets at home, but she saw that I needed one and
had none with me. That was Jesus in disguise. She was doing what Jesus would do for me. Jesus through her provided for a need that I
had carelessly neglected. God blessed me
through this lady. I also realized how
blessed I am to have generous friends.
How often we miss the chance to bless others and God just because we do
not see the need? The world is full of people with needs much greater than something to keep them warm. We just need to look with Jesus eyes and see the needs. I am sooo glad this
lady saw my need and I am glad she had no intention of bumping me off. Praise God!!!
As I was driving home today, I passed a person walking on the side of the road. Since it was cold, and snowy, I thought I should stop and offer the person a ride. As I drove on by, I was irritated with myself for not stopping. I could have and should have but I didn't. Why? I was scared! Maybe that wouldn't bother you, but I'm willing to bet there are things that make you afraid. It may be snakes or spiders that send the ticker into overdrive. Or maybe it's your job and finances that keep you up at night when you should be resting. Then again perhaps it's relationships that consume your thoughts and energy. As followers of God, we know that we are told not to be afraid. Yet we often are afraid despite everything we know. As I was driving away from a misse...
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