Often in our lives, we only focus
on the negative things that happen. We
have too month left at the end of our money, or we or a loved one gets sick and
we start to get stressed. I know my
friends that there are mega tons of misery in this world which is why I felt
the need today to remind you, and myself, that God is in control. There are good things that happen each
day. Sometimes we just need to focus on the
good things that God does not the bad things that happen. This morning as I started to worry about the
cares of this life, how to pay bills specifically, God reminded me that he had
the problem in this hands. We went to
pay the water bill, and were informed that there was a credit. WOW!! I was flabbergasted but I was also ecstatic. Since there was a credit (I have learned not
to question the how of these things) our bill was much less than expected. YIPEE!!!! And Praise God!! Next came the oil change on the car. Another necessary expense to extend the life
of the car so that it outlasts the payments we make on it. As we went in, I gave her a coupon and asked
how much and she quoted a price about half of what I expected. By now, Iām ready to do a happy dance around
the garage. My soul was Praising God for
seeing to those needs. After lunch, I
was thinking about supper and decided to have leftover ravioli with homemade
spaghetti sauce in hopes of saving some pennies. As I opened the freezer to get out sauce and
the rest of the ravioli I noticed a package of ribs that had gone unnoticed
until now. JACKPOT!!! Now, I WAS elated and my feet were dancing
around the kitchen. There would be ribs
to go with the ravioli, this was one happy lady.
I know it doesnāt always work out like this. Good AND bad things happen. Iāve weathered both and if none of these
things had happened, I would still thank God with a happy dance because He has
blessed me beyond measure already. Today choose to focus, if you can, on the
blessings a cheerful is a good things and when good things happen Praise God
and thank him with a happy dance.
Chances are God has blessed you too, my friend.
As I was driving home today, I passed a person walking on the side of the road. Since it was cold, and snowy, I thought I should stop and offer the person a ride. As I drove on by, I was irritated with myself for not stopping. I could have and should have but I didn't. Why? I was scared! Maybe that wouldn't bother you, but I'm willing to bet there are things that make you afraid. It may be snakes or spiders that send the ticker into overdrive. Or maybe it's your job and finances that keep you up at night when you should be resting. Then again perhaps it's relationships that consume your thoughts and energy. As followers of God, we know that we are told not to be afraid. Yet we often are afraid despite everything we know. As I was driving away from a misse...
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