Today, I want to remind you of something amazing. God chose you. Yes! No matter whom you are or what you've done; God wants and desires you! See, I told you that it was amazing. Wait! It gets even better; God loves you so much that he chose to die for you. He didnāt have to do that, he chose to do that. He could have decided that the cost was too high, but he didnāt. Is it not amazing that he had a choice to die; or not to die! Are you feeling loved right about now? Good! I know I have probably not said anything new, but it may be that, like me, you need a reminder. I was reminded of this tonight, and what God reminded me was that he had a choice. He could have decided that it was too much of a bother or that we were not worth it. After all, no one actually deserves Godās favor. He gives it, but we donāt deserve it. In fact, Paul reminds us that when he died for us we were all sinners. I am amazed at the love God has for me that he would choose to give up his life for me when I surely did not deserve it. Thanks God! I just wanted to remind you of this today. God loves you and chose to die for you.
As I was driving home today, I passed a person walking on the side of the road. Since it was cold, and snowy, I thought I should stop and offer the person a ride. As I drove on by, I was irritated with myself for not stopping. I could have and should have but I didn't. Why? I was scared! Maybe that wouldn't bother you, but I'm willing to bet there are things that make you afraid. It may be snakes or spiders that send the ticker into overdrive. Or maybe it's your job and finances that keep you up at night when you should be resting. Then again perhaps it's relationships that consume your thoughts and energy. As followers of God, we know that we are told not to be afraid. Yet we often are afraid despite everything we know. As I was driving away from a misse...
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