Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. I Corinthians 16:13
My daughter and I went walking. We both love walking, and it is a good way to
exercise. We were almost home when, out
of nowhere, one of the hugest black Labrador retrievers I have ever seen in my
life, came charging at me. Let me tell
you I have mad running away skills and all I could do was stand there and
cower. My daughter, on the other hand,
stared that dog down and commanded him to leave which he did. I have since nicknamed him sin. As I was reflecting on the incident, I was reminded
of how sin is much like that dog. Sin,
like that dog, looked harmless enough, until I got close. For my part, I was distracted and not ready
for "Attila the Hun" to come barreling out of the driveway. I was unprepared, so when that beast came
charging. I did not know what to do; I was paralyzed with fear. My daughter, on
the other hand, she was ready. She knew
that all she needed to do was let the dog know she was in charge. Likewise, we need to be ready for sinās attacks.
For sin will attack, and if we are not ready; if we do not know how to handle
sin we will be paralyzed spiritually and will certainly fall to sin. This was my run in with sin today. Thank God it was only a dog.
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